Expeditions Perú

Tambopata River
Located in the National Reserve Tambopata-Candamo, we believe that this exceeds the expectation of a wild and remote river that offers an exciting whitewater adventure in the virgin Tropical Rainforest of the Peruvian Amazon.
Great variety of tropical plants and animal species abound on this remote and unspoiled area to which the river is the only way of access. It has the greatest diversity of wildlife: more than 570 species of birds, 1200 butterfly species and many animal groups, like the howler monkey, tapir, capibaras, macaws, giant otters, black and white caiman, ocelot, and magestic jaguar. All these, has forced the Peruvian Goverment to protect this area and created the National Reserve.
We journey across the high plateau of the Andes through very typical Indian Villages and raft immerse in the heart of wilderness with no contact with civilization. We witness the upper reaches of the Amazon watershed from the snows of the Andean summits to the tropical rainforest, and admire from llamas and alpacas in the highlands to thounsands of colorful macaws at the "Colpa" in the low jungle.
Country Peru
Duration 9 Days/ 8 Nights
Dates Trips run from May to October
Rating Demanding. Class III-IV
Price Consult

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